Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Proofreaders' Marks

Proofreaders’ marks are very important to know when you are editing a document whether for a school assignment or on the job. Proofreading is necessary because you would like to turn in quality work to your teacher or supervisor. When grading an assignment, I use these standard symbols to help students correct their documents before turning it in for the final grade. These symbols are universal so most everybody who knows anything about keyboarding should be aware of them.

Proofreaders’ marks are usually minor typographical/mechanical mistakes. They are done within the paper itself where the correction is needed but sometimes you can find corrections in the margins. Knowing proofreaders' marks are essential to those who write.

To read more about proofreaders' marks go to: More About Proofreader's Marks

Below is a link where you are able to view and study a variety of correction marks.

Extended list of proofreaders' marks 

Now that you have read and viewed the many different proofreaders' marks, practice what you  know by going to: Proofreaders' Marks Practice and Quiz


  1. In the case of an essay, an outside proofreader can determine whether the essay is rambling, missing key links between topics, lacking convincing evidence or missing a clear thesis statement.

    Proofreading services

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