Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Letters are different than memos. Letters are more detailed and are addressed to a specific person or organization.

The format of a business letter is as follows: 

There are two types of business letters, personal-business and just a regular business letter. The margins in both letter styles are 2” for the top and 1” for the right and left sides and the bottom of the page. Business letters contain different parts such as the return address, date, letter address, salutation, body, complimentary close, and the name of the writer.

The return address is placed at the top margin; the date is located right under it. The letter address is 4 line spaces below the date. The Salutation is 2 line spaces below the letter address. After the salutation is the body or message of the letter which is 2 line spaces below the salutation. Once you have completed the message of the letter, the complimentary close is next with 2 line spaces in between. Next is the name of the person who wrote the letter and that is  placed 4 line spaces under the complimentary close.

Go to this link: Personal Business Letter-Voice Thread to see the block letter format explained and leave a comment if you would like.

To see examples of different types of block style letters, click on the link: Photos of Block Letter Styles or you can go to Business Block Style Letters to view samples of block letter style.

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