Tuesday, June 4, 2013


iPads are a big hit in today's society. The iPad is used for many different things such as playing games, education, and looking up information. The iPad is like a computer but it doesn't have all the capabilities of a computer. With the way technology is advancing I am expecting the iPad to become just as functional as a computer. 

The iPad is gaining momentum in the classroom everyday. There are many ways educators can incorporate the iPad into their lessons. One of the ways that iPads can be used in the classroom is having the textbook online/electronic textbooks. Teachers can also use the iPad to enhance learning by having students play educational games. This way kids are learning and having fun in the process. Students can take virtual field trips and interact with students around the world. The iPad is a good education tool that is good for the classroom. 

One way that I can incorporate the iPad in my classroom would have the students to practice their typing skills with a game called Word Drop which is a free app found on the iPad. It will enable students to become better typist.

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