Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Flyers are announcements or advertisements making people aware of an event or product. Flyers are usually on a regular sheet of paper and the information is printed on one side. It is like a fact sheet giving only the necessary information.

Flyers are not hard to produce. It can be done using Microsoft Word. When you make a flyer, your first line should have no more than five words and they should be in all CAPS. The lettering in the first line should also be bigger than the rest of the letters on the Flyer. Microsoft Word has clip art and other features that can make your flyer look attractive. With Microsoft Office Word you are able to make the print bold, italicized, larger or smaller, colorful or black and white. You also have the option to change the text to have different effects.

Just remember to add an image and keep the flyer to one page!!!

Check out several different flyer examples at: Flickr-flyers

Try putting together this flyer: Hidden Lake Announcement

Take a short quiz on flyers, go to:Flyers-Quiz

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